

Keesee Collection   (New York City  -  Oklahoma)

Kohli Collection   (New Delhi  -  India)

Maneka Gandhi Collection  (New Delhi  -  India)

Ron Dreifuss Collection   (New York City)

The McKernan Collection   (Naples, FL)

Louis J. Behre Collection   (Midwest)

Henry Betts Collection   (Chicago)

Indiana University Collection   (Indiana)

Wikemp Collection   (Midwest)

Clifford J. Todd Collection   (NYC  -  Kentucky  -  Florida)

Jurate E. Krabill Collection   (Midwest)

Joanne and Mac Sims Collection  (Midwest)

The Walgreen Family Collection   (Chicago)

Angel and Paul Harvey Collection   (Chicago)

John Pinto Collection   (New York City)

Ernestine Racklin Collection   (Naples, FL)

John Reynolds Collection  (Naples, FL)

Ergas Collection   (London/Paris)

Starkman Collection   (New York City)

The Medith Collection   (Europe  -  Japan)

And numerous personal/private collections in Europe, South America, Asia and across the United States